Mary’s story

Mary’s story

Bread-making and business training has provided Mary with an income to support her family

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Without the knowledge offered to me by SPEDP, I wouldn’t be making this business which is now supporting my family.

- Nyibol Malek Garam

The journey to entrepreneurship

When Mary’s husband was killed during the second Sudan Civil war, she was left with eight young children to support on her own. She is the only bread winner in the family.

In 2018, she enrolled in bread-making training by a local Christian Aid partner. The programme trained Mary in running a business as well as mandazi making – a type of fried bread made of wheat flour, oil, baking powder, salt. 

After the training, Mary started a business selling bread in the market of her hometown, Marial Bai. She is proud that she was the only baker in her town.

Impact of Mary's Bakery

Mary’s story has since inspired many other women to train and start their own businesses too. Although she has experiences challenges along the way, her business has provided income to buy food and medicines for her family and pay for her children's school fees.

‘It is this cake cooking business that is keeping my children. I cannot stay away from the market. Unless my children who are studying get power, to work and keep me.’


SPEDP support resilience building the areas of agriculture and livelihood, health and education. It aims to transform lives to be from hunger, poverty, environmental degradation and all forms of exploitation based on age, sex and ethnicity.

In response to climate change, people are having to find new ways to work which can help them and their communities in the long term.

Gift a Sustainable Business Start-Up

Your gift could support people to overcome poverty with the capital and training to start a new business - a tea shop, a bakery, or selling produce such as vegetables or fish.

Gift a Sustainable Business Start-Up, and help more people like Mary overcome poverty.