A pair of chickens (Send by post to myself)
A pair of chickens (Send by post to myself)
A pair of chickens (Send by post to myself)
A pair of chickens (Send by post to myself)
A pair of chickens (Send by post to myself)
A pair of chickens (Send by post to myself)
A pair of chickens (Send by post to myself)
A pair of chickens (Send by post to myself)
A pair of chickens (Send by post to myself)

A pair of chickens

Why chickens?

Chickens provide nutritious food for the family and can generate a healthy income. 

In South Sudan, a gift of chickens could help someone like Anok set up a business and earn money to buy nutritious food for their household. 

An egg-celent choice! 

Where does your money go?

Each Charity Gifts purchase is a donation to Christian Aid’s work globally, enabling us to respond effectively wherever the need is greatest. 

Sale price£10.00
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More Ways to help

Our mission. Your support. Here are a few more gifts we think you’ll love:

Medical care in a crisis
Sale price£130.00